Only the best is good enough.

Pałac Wiechlice
Kategoria: 4*
rej. zab. A-235; 27.03.61r.
rej. zab. A-235; 27.03.61r.
Wiechlice 45b
67-300 Szprotawa
province: lubuskie
67-300 Szprotawa
province: lubuskie

Dom Gości opactwa Benedyktynów w Tyńcu
rej. zab. nr A – 169/M
ul. Benedyktyńska 37
30 - 398 Kraków
province: małopolskie
30 - 398 Kraków
province: małopolskie
Standard rooms
Placed in annexe building. We offer rooms for: 1 person, 2- persons, 3 persons, 4 persons.
Every room is designed with the same style and taste like all the rest of Wiechlice Palace. For you comfort in every room you will find: high speed wireless Internet, telephone, satellite television, in-room safe, little-fridge.