Art is therapy, therapy is art.

Hotel Bristol ART & Medical SPA

Hotel Bristol ART & Medical SPA

Kategoria: 4*
ul. 1 Maja 1
28-100 Busko Zdrój
province: świętokrzyskie
phone: (+48) 41 330 30 33

Dom Gości opactwa Benedyktynów w Tyńcu

Dom Gości opactwa Benedyktynów w Tyńcu Dom Gości opactwa Benedyktynów w Tyńcu

rej. zab. nr A – 169/M
ul. Benedyktyńska 37
30 - 398 Kraków
province: małopolskie


The staff of Medical Center- Bristol ATR & Medical SPA it a team of well- qualified and experienced people in medicine and cosmetology. With professionalism of our staff our guests have to do at each step, starting from the Medical Center Reception, through consulting room, treatments rooms and Welness & SPA.

Medical Center Reception scheduls a meeting with a doctor, prepares an individual time schedul for treatments, gives an advice in the choice of treatments that don`t require medical consultation with a doctor and gives essential information for making the stay comfortable. A nice voice, that can be heard calling the reception, makes a booking for treatments and schedules the most convenient hours for them.